
Don't let this adorable angel face fool you...

Don't let this adorable angel face fool you...

Alexander showing you how much better he feels

Alexander showing you how much better he feels

This morning I woke up welcomed by my 2 year old son Alexander, vomiting on my entire body and hair. This is the second day having hight fever, diarreah, and as of today anointent by his new symptom. Yep, another day in the adventurous, spontaneous, and full of surpises day in the life of a work from home, and stay at home mom. I know some of you right now are jumping of exitement saying"I know exactly what she shes talking about" so this is for all of you out there,  Amazing AND Heroic moms. This one is for you!  

Earlier this morning. Before chamomille, yarrow, popsicle and lots of love.

Earlier this morning. Before chamomille, yarrow, popsicle and lots of love.

Please know that I am NOT excluding anyone that wants to read this article. So, if your not at work and/or stay at home mom, or if you are a stay at home Dad, or even if you have no kids, you are still invited to scroll down and learn more about natural home remedies you can do yourself to support your children health, or somebody elses kids health. Its a great medicinal plant to have in your garden, and a VERY necessary one todays day! 

So with that being said, I want to share with you my goal as a mom, and also as someone that enjoys studying, researching, practicing, and teaching about medicinal plants. My personal dream is to grow my own medicinal garden at home where I can support my family, friends, and community.  A natural homegrown first aid kit provided by our Mother Earth.  

There are two medicinal plants that I highly suggest to eveyone to plant in their garden. 

The first one, Yarrow!  

Yarrow and chamomille 

Yarrow and chamomille 

Yarrow is the green long leaft on the bottom left of the picture aboved, and also the flower on the top. You can basicaly use both leaft and flower for different things, but since I'm taking about my son symptomes I will share the benefits base on his case. Yarrow is an exclent diaphoretic often used in teas to promote sweating, therby helping reduce fevers. One of my favorite  ways to use with kids is a yarrow bath.  Just put few fresh or dry leafs on the tub and let the plant work its magic. It will help reduce the fever in a way that is more pleasent for a child.

You can also make an infusion, but it might be harder for the child to drink since is bitter. The method I like to use is putting one ounce of dry or fresh yarrow in a quart of boling water. Let it sit for few hours, strain, and for small children add infusion to a tepid bath.  Please make sure bath is not to hot. For older children and adults i suggest sipping as tea.  For tea steep 1-2 teaspoons of the dried herb in one cup boiling water. Drink three times daily. 

Sacred Earth Remedies Healing least thats what I call it :-)

Sacred Earth Remedies Healing least thats what I call it :-)

The second herb, Chamomile. This herb is a nerve tonic that strengthens the nervous system while calming frayed nerves and promoting relaxation and easy sleep. It is a general digestive aid which promotes smooth digestion and relieves gas, colic and ulcers. Whats more, it also has the anti-inflammatory and anti-fever agents which made it such a useful remedy for flu and colds. It can also cool inflammations of the eyes, throat and gums (gingivitis). Chamomile is a wonderful, fragrant herb to grow in your garden - it provides a rich, subtle odor that relaxes body, mind and spirit. Safe for children.  An anxiety support, sleep aid, gastrointestinal tract comfort. Its also used to treat nausea. Chamomille is one of the basic children’s remedies that every parent should be familiar. It helps calm some hyperactive children, but may stimulate others. Combined with licorice, it helps reduce intestinal inflammation and irritation. It is a particularly valuable remedy for infants and young children who are extremely peevish, fussy and distressed. Only one to two drops of a glycerite of chamomile are needed for infants. It can even be used homeopathically. 

I hope this was helpful for you, and maybe next time you find yourself in a nursury, ask about yarrow, and chamomille. It would be a great addition to your garden.

Chamomille plant and herb

Chamomille plant and herb

"I always remember the story of Peter Rabbit when I think of Chamomile tea. When little Peter returned wet and chilled from Farmer Johns garden, his mother whipped him soundly, gave him a cup of Chamomile tea and sent home to bed; in that order." Rosemary Gladstar 

Please remember as you read my blog, read it with a Puerto Rican accent!

For more information about this herbs, visit the flowing links.,,



*Important Disclaimer:

This information is to educate the consumer on widely accepted uses of common herbs. This is not intended in any way to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. Please consult your health professional care if you have, or think you have a condition which requires medical attention.

Best sister ever!

Best sister ever!

Until next...blessings!